Yamato 198886-94 figs.7-12.
Ishimaru 199451.
模式産地は遼東半島(Yamato 1988
しばしばヒゲツノメリタヨコエビ Melita setiflagella
とともに検出され,ヒゲツノメリタヨコエビはより海側に出現する(Yamato 1988
Ishimaru, Shin-ichi 1994A catalogue of gammaridean and ingolfiellidean Amphipoda recorded from the vicinity of Japan. Report of the Sado Marine Biological Station, Niigata University, (24): 29-86.
Yamato, Shigeyuki 1988Two species of the genus Melita (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from brackish waters in Japan. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 33(1/3), 79-95.